Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Stupid Meds

The stupid meds [as I am now referring to them as] aren't working.

I had a dosage increase about 8 weeks ago as things were't going ery well, and have since had another dosage so am now on  max dosage for that AD drug.

I just saw a group on Facebook as I was opening this up to write called "Sometimes it's easier to pretend everything is ok, than explain why everything isn't" That is EXACTLY how I feel at the moment.

Trying to tell people why and how the meds are making me feel crap is just too hard. I'm often saying "Surviving" when people ask how I am, but of course no-one is game to ask anything else as depression is such a taboo subject in our society.

I've also started a cognitive behavioural therapy group at the hospital. today was week 2 and I ended up fibbing and leaving early as todays sessions wasn't very helpful [for me]..

Joel has been working an insane amount of overtime lately. I'll be thankful when his work finally hire some more staff so he doesn't have to work as much.

The older two girls are off to Nanna & Poppa's this Thursday until Sunday (Mothers day). I am really looking forward to the break and a chance to catch up on sleep, sewing, cleaning, decluttering and relaxing. Anything and everything that can't be done easily with three girls hanging off me!!!

Adios for now. Am dragging arse off couch to go make dinner... Looooong day!!!

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