Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oz-straylia Day 2010

So I missed a few days - doh! There goes that "50 things to do" this year goal out the window.. 

In my defence, I've been feeling insanely tired from the meds, messing with my sleep!
Have had a rough time adjusting to it all... It takes me a good couple of hours of feeling light headed before I feel "normal" again. Have completley lost my appetite (not a bad thing I suppose when I need to loose weight so desperately) but makes it hard to get motivated to eat anything! I have been trying to avoid soft drinks and cordial completely as I doubt the caffeine/food colourings were doing my health much good!  

Tomorrow Makaia starts kindy full time so I am going to be heading to bed shortly and will take my meds as soon as I wake up so hopefully the worst of the light-headed-ness (is that a word?) has subsided by the time I have to do the kindy run. I had a spacing out moment the other week and had a close call car accident. Was quite scary. Have been trying to avoid driving since then! Don't want another car accident...

Here's some photos from today's Australia day... 

Zahli "swimming" with Aunty TTina

Totally fearless - backwards into the pool.... Guess who is starting swimming lessons this week! LOL!

Just because it's a cool photo. Love my camera : )

Evie hanging out the side of the pool (literally) Checking out the ants...

Having a swim with Daddy 

Somehow didn't get many of Makaia in the pool, but here was a quick snap of her glancing over Gandma's shoulder : )

This was tonight once we were home and the older two had carked it in bed (Zahli was in bed asleep at 5pm!)
Evie was 5months old on the 21st. Getting so big now. Time has gone SO fast since she was born. Makes me a little sad but I am looking forward to the next stage of 'babyhood' as no doubt this will soon pass also!

Her "fuzz" on her head. I have been asked SO many times if she is a boy. Doh! Just because she isn't blessed with the "hairy" gene doesn't mean she is a boy! Zahli had about this amount or less when she was Evie's age so I am not too phased

These next few below were taken Monday when Makaia and Zahli were up at Nanna & Poppa's house (Joel's parents). I had to go back to the GP to talk to her about how I'm going on the medication and how i've been feeling. All went well and I'm due back for another checkup and chat on the 8th feb. In the meantime just plod along taking the stuff and see the psychiatrist and have a chat with them. At least I'm making progress

Evie started solids the other week.. (My last post I think?) She's decided she likes Rusks. I hate the things!!! They are awfully messy and sticky and get thrown on the floor more times than I care to pickup! Need one of those dummychain type things so she can't throw it away.. haha!

Yes she scratched her own face BTW ; )

Don't often get photos of her smiling ... Such a gorgeous smile. So precious!
Check out the chubby arms... She is 8kgs already : )

Looking for the missing rusk - haha! Very funny. Notice my relatively new dining suite in the background? Got it just before Christmas. Still in love with it!! 

As a part of my 'therapy' (is that what it is called?) my Dr asked me to write down 3 or more things every day that I am thankful for. To retrain my brain to think more postively instead of focusing on the negatives all the time. So here is today's thankful list (in no particular order)

#1 - For my beautiful children who continue to make me laugh and smile even when I'm not feeling 100%
#2 - For the lunch I didn't have to cook or prepare at Mum's today
#3 - For my washing machine that washes tonnes of clothes all at once so I don't have to do extra loads
#4 - For being forunate to live in this awesome country called Australia where life is so simple and carefree and we don't have to worry about the kinds of things that elsewhere is considered 'normal'

Adios for now! Off to hang washing and get Makaia's things ready for kindy in the morning! Stay tuned for photos of the big kindy girl tomorrow evening. Not sure what Zahli, Evie and myself will be doing! Perhaps going to the shops to find curtains for Evie's nursery. Will seem strange with one less child : )



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