Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So I haven't posted for awhile....

I haven't posted in awhile.. Not that I have 1000 followers or anything to have to keep updated LOL!

I've been feeling shit. Really shit. I don't think the medication is working very well, infact I know it's not. The Dr won't reasses for another 2weeks, because by then I will have been on them for 6weeks and they should be in full affect by then. I've been snappy, grumpy and loosing my patience too easily like I "used" too. I struggle to not get frustrated, and I know I'm not as bad as I was but I know there is a lot that could improve.

The GP told me about this website called Mood Gym. I started doing it but I really need to make sure I keep doing it. It's cognitive behavioral therapy that helps to retrain your brain to think more positively. Might seem cheesy but apparently it works. Same kind of idea as the list of things to be thankful for that I really need to make sure I do everynight.

I had a massive day yesterday. All day conference for Tupperware. Was very interesting, loaded with tonnes of recognition and freebies and gives me something to work towards with more inspiration now I saw IRL the 'things' that you can be rewarded with on top of the normal things. 

Zahli went ot kindy this morning with Makaia and was really really upset. I was out all day yesterday from dawn till after dark at the conference and she must have really missed me and it showed today :( I felt so awful when I picked her up. Reinforced again, that there is a huge positive to being a SAHM when the kids are little. I know they would get 'used' to going to childcare and all that but for us it suits which is one reason I'm so thankful for the flexibility that my work and various activities gives me.

Evie is coming along in leaps and bounds. Lost my memory card temporarily so haven't taken any photos for a few days - doh! She is now sitting up unaided and has an elegant type of face plant / roll onto her side then belly when she falls over. She was sitting mesmerized by the P!NK funhouse DVD this afternoon for about 20mins straight. Very cute. She is growing up so fast. She is on solids also - 3 meals a day, which adds another dimension to my schedule. The older girls like helping feed her meals. Zahli doesn't get a lot in Evie's mouth but E thinks it is funny.

Makaia has been practicing her number writing the last few days. Her 5,6,7,8,9,10 are almost perfect. Her 5 looks a bit funny but shes' making huge progress. I think being at kindy is spuring her on a lot now. She has been practicing writing her name and has mastered the M, I, and A, but the K looks like an E missing the - in the middle LOL! Pretty good for a 4yr old still though I think. I am very proud of her :) She is constantly bringing home armfuls of paintings and crafts she has made - so now begins the task of working out how to store it and what to keep and what to chuck. A lot of it will make into a pile for wrapping paper (lucky kindy uses big sheets of paper) and will keep a few each term for sentimental reasons I think. She did the most funny drawing the other day of our 'family'. I shall take a photo to post when I refind the mystery memory stick

For now though I am shooting off to bed as I am knackered with a capital K!

#1 - For my new bedroom suite that will be arriving in the next few days
#2 - For Joel bringing home dinner tonight - Even if it was KFC and wasn't particularly healthy, meant I could make the kids something simple and eat my dinner in peace while it was still hot when they were in bed
#3 - For my Enjo delivery coming tomorrow. As one of my 'to do things' this year, I want to reduce our carbon footprint so buying Enjo and reducing the amount of cleaning chemicals we put back into the rivers and waterways from our cleaning is a part of this. I am planning on slowly building my collection, but for now have got the bathroom things and the window cleaner (my two big things I detest having dirty!)



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