Thursday, January 28, 2010


I want to write a big massive vent about so much 'crap' that seems to encircle my life at the moment but seems rather pointless considering no-one reads this anyway!

But I will say, it's a massive kick in the guts when people who claim to be your friend turn their backs on you when you are struggling. In the last year I've "felt" like I have lost a fair few friends who seem to decide I'm not worth the effort or time to check up on. Why? Well I have no idea! I don't think I've done anything to 'deserve' it.... Blah! Blah! Blah! Easy to say "Oh you will get over it, they weren't worth your time" Hard to just get over it when you invest SO much time in supporting them!

Makaia started kindy yesterday. Wow. Where did 4 years go? I feel sad and frustrated that I feel like I've spent 4 years being shitty and pissed off. They are taking Zahli weekly for occasional care one morning to give me a bit of a break. I can't wait to just have one baby. I am not sure what we will do. Probably just hang out at home. How boring! 

Three things i am thankful for today 
#1 - That Makaia loves kindy and doesn't cry when I leave
#2 - For the chance to prune my rose bushes out the front this morning with Zahli's "help" whilst Evie slept
#3 - For the understanding lady at occasional care going beyond the norm to help me out by taking Zahli in weekly...



Jakki said...

Hey hun :)

I read your blog-every single post! I am just very slack at commenting-on anyones blog!!

You know I am always here hun and I am sorry you have lost so many friends. I understand how you feel

Sarah said...

i completely understand what you mean about your friends.
last year i seperated from my husband (back together and all fantastic now) and had PND and i really found who were true friends and its sad to say i dont have many friends left after last year...
you will get through it even though its heartbreaking and painful, esspecailly when you help them out so much, and you will become so much closer to those who really stuck by you..
your a strong loving mother, i truely admire you...

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